Getting It Done Organizing

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Getting It Done Organizing creates the MOST beautiful out of the everyday items I had in my home.
Photo credit to LittleBitFunky.comh

Setting up a Keto Kitchen

As a stay-at-home mom in 2008, one afternoon I sat glued to an episode of The Oprah Winfrey show titled ”Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?”. Oprah was interviewing a professional organizer and I was riveted to the TV. At the time I was just covered in excess stuff (and overweight). 

I was years away from setting up my own Keto Kitchen, but the de-cluttering seed had been planted. Clutter and disorganization were a weight around me that I was just learning the impact on my own health…and the health of my family.

Getting It Done Organizing

During the episode, Oprah talked about the junk in our closets and pantries being so much more than just stuff. That clutter is a weight on our minds and our psyches that holds us back from good health, better relationships, deeper sleep and…possibly losing that extra weight.

“When it comes to clearing clutter (the fat in our homes) it isn’t about the stuff itself, it’s about the life you want to live. The same is true for losing weight: It’s not about the pounds, it’s about living the life you deserve in the body you want.” -Peter Walsh

My Keto Kitchen

When I was ready to set up my Keto Kitchen I called on my life long friend and professional organizer, Jenny Dietsch of Getting It Done Organizing. Jenny was the perfect person to come into my kitchen and help me de-clutter and get organized.

I met Jenny (Woods) Dietsch at the age of 5 when we were in Kindergarten. Kindergarten, people! We were fast friends and our families have remained close for over 44 years.

Getting It Done Organizing

AlthoughI had been on my keto journey for several years, I knew I needed to practice what I preached. In all honesty, it was time to set up my Keto Kitchen.

The systems and organization in our homes can simplify so much and help us all to stay healthy.  Jenny has those systems, creative ideas and strategies to “get it done”.

Her company, Getting It Organizing, is based out of Dallas Texas. They service homes, closets, garages, kitchens and more all around the country. Jenny and her team address the most common issues in organizing your home, Keto Kitchen, garage, basement, and kids rooms. She even has systems for saving all those childhood memories and artwork.

Jenny’s Work

Jenny started her company, Getting It Done Organizing, just over 5 years ago in the heart of Dallas, Texas.  After putting in over 1500 hours with paid clients cleaning closets, garages, basements, whole houses….and KITCHENS. Jenny has become an expert on the de-clutter, organizing and systematizing a home. 

I knew I could trust her to help me in my Keto Kitchen. She looked into my HORRID junk drawers with no judgement. I shoved ironing boards and skis under beds.  My Christmas ornaments lived under my living room couches. My children’s artwork sat in boxes piled up in the little closet space I had.  And my kitchen…THE HORROR!

Getting It Done Organizing

The truth

Little did my readers know that I was usually pushing books and paperwork just out of the camera frame. I’m being dramatic. But (if I’m being honest) my clutter was suffocating. With zero closet space and a tiny oven I just made it work.  I never pegged Jenny as a super organized person…but this woman has a gift.

Pantry Items

The start…

Getting It Done Organizing

I asked Jenny what are some simple steps to take in getting started on the organizing. Jenny LOVES to encourage homeowners to move their unused and unloved items out of the house. However, Jenny is not in the business of making anyone throw away things they are attached to.

Identify loved and usable things

The goal for Getting It Done Organizing is to identify the items you love and use on a regular basis. Once you have the things you love around you then you make a special place for them.

“A place for every thing and every thing in its place”.

You can roll up your sleeves to be involved or you may want to hand over the keys to Jenny and her team. Organizing can feel like a huge burden. Her company and team has strategies in place to help. Most people get overwhelmed. Jenny knows how to help homeowners by stepping in and completely taking over to de-clutter and organize for you.

Dream Kitchen

It helps to have a clear and clean home to free up space and time to really take care of ourselves. A Keto Kitchen was my goal. If you’re spending hours looking for those darn scissors you will have less time for the really important things.

Hub of your Home

The kitchen is usually the hub of the home.  I know it is for The Kellie Kitchen. Family or guests walk in and everyone just dumps their stuff.  Imagine going to your kitchen pantry or fridge and it’s just a sloppy mess. A kitchen with stacks of papers and electronics on all counters, utensils and dishes all mixed in is just chaos!

Getting It Done Organizing
Now doesn’t that feel nice?

There’s never a dang lid to fit ANY tupperware in sight I might just go MAD! What about the unbelievable frustration of just trying to get dinner on the table and you can’t find the right fricking spatula. It’s maddening!!!

Caution to the wind…

When there’s system to the way you go about your kitchen set up there’s bound to be chaos. The tendency is to get a “throw caution to the wind” mentality about your health, too.  Getting It Done Organizing came into my Keto Kitchen with sleeves rolled up and ready to help.

I may preach cleansing your kitchen of all clutter, yet I was not a perfect example of pristine kitchen cabinets. I usually had triple of one pantry item or expired herbs in my cabinets. Most items hadn’t seen daylight in the 5 years I have been in this house.

My Keto Kitchen

My Keto Kitchen needed help! I never felt I did a very good job at clearing my own clutter. Sometimes I would clean out my junk, but the clutter would slowly creep back into my life. 

A Keto Kitchen is needed for these Low Carb delights!!!

The Creep happens in all areas of your life…

Aside from eating a keto lifestyle diet, there needs to be some planning and organization put in place. This way of eating becomes an easy low carb lifestyle. A clearly organized and clutter free Keto Kitchen (and home) is the first step to forming a habit.

Keeping only the items you use or love will bring you peace and clarity which leads to taking care of yourself.  Clutter can find its way of creeping back…like it did for me.

On to the rest of the house

I worked tirelessly along side Jenny and Getting It Done Organizing to create my Keto Kitchen. However, Jenny did not stop in the kitchen. Next we jumped into closets and unloaded drawers in every room in the house. I had this belief that I had no space. Boy, was I wrong!

Feelings of BLISS came over me when I finally found that missing pair of black pants! Packing up bags and bags of old shoes and nick knacks that needed a new home felt really good, too. Six carloads of my junk made their way to the salvation Army to be another’s treasure. I was free!


Free from clutter and junk. Free from never finding what I was looking for. I finally had the Keto Kitchen that everyone of my readers should have. I might not have a fancy kitchen, but I do have an organized one.

My dear, talented and AMAZING friend (and Getting It Done Organizing) pulled The Kellie Kitchen into shape. Thanks to Jenny and her team I finally had my Keto Kitchen….and all was right with the world.

My Favorite Organizing Items

The Container Store was a saving grace. We went hog wild in that store and here are my favorites…

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