Ah, the rainy season

Rainy Day
Rain Wet Umbrella Girl Water

There are only two redeeming properties of getting rained on consistently and freezing my fanny off during this winter season 2018-2019.
First ~ I get to sit by the fire with my darling boyfriend and my kitties to snuggle in and get warm.
Second ~ I get to develop all these wonderful, belly warming soups and delicious sweet treats in THE KELLIE KITCHEN….all Keto Friendly!

I’m the first to say that I’m a total brat and I’m so done with this cold weather!


For 8 cold and frigid years I lived in the North East (Hey Ridgefield, CT!) and the cold weather was just part of our lives. Snow days and shoveling the walk were daily routine for at least 6 months of the year (who’s kidding? I never shoveled the walk).

Then I moved back to sunny Santa Monica, CA (Why did I ever leave?) and I became a weather snob. It hits 58* and I start complaining. Mind you that I am NOT alone…we are all a big bunch of cry babies in Southern California. Waaa Waaa….

Yes, we are all a tad fragile here in Southern California and we drive like lunatics in all this rain, but boy, can we make a delicious soup.


I know in the Keto community we drink heavy cream with pretty much everything, but I have this new soup that’s creamy and thick, and of course yummy, and uses cream. You certainly can sub out the cream for unsweetened Almond Milk at your own discretion. BTW….It’s totally vegetarian and hits the spot in this cold season. CARROT FETA SOUP also comes together in about 20 minutes for all the kids running in from the snow and rain. My kids LOVE it.

Warm Cookies…

In all this cold weather I PERFECTED my Peanut Butter Cookies. These keep so well and only a handful of ingredients that I always have in my pantry and in my fridge. Using Allulose makes these cookies soft and chewy, without the cooling mouthfeel of Erythritol and without the tummy ache and gas of Xylitol.

Low Carb and Keto Friendly Sweeteners

I have been playing around with low and zero carb sweeteners for the better part of a year. Low Carb and zero carb sweeteners are NOT the same as sugar. So..they don’t bake or taste exactly like sugar. I wrote an informative post on my new favorite sweetener, Allulose and why its superior to all the others available.

Read on here at this link if you want to know my take on the difference. The Quest Nutrition website has tons of low carb products and information. Plus…they made a cute video and more detailed information about Allulose if you’re interested.

Sweet Cravings Solved

Did I also mention that when I’m cooped up I go a lil KETO DESSERT CRAZY? I found a new alternative sweetener in the Low Carb community and they’re calling it a “rare” sugar. It’s name is Allulose. Remember that name ALL-U-LOSE. It bakes like table sugar, it tastes like table sugar, it doesn’t upset your tummy like sugar alcohols and it doesn’t spike your blood sugars. Allulose is about 70% as sweet as table sugar, so I usually add a few drops of liquid stevia to all my baked goods.

The Best Grass-Fed Meats

Another thing I love about this rainy season is that I’ve got plenty of time to let a big stew pot simmer on the stove top. I use Butcher Box Grass-Fed meat delivery and they ship FROZEN perfect meats right to my door.

I get to pick which meats I want to show up and my house and how often….no waiting for specials at the supermarket. Every month or so I assess my Butcher Box account and switch up what kind of meals I’ll be making for my family and for the season.


Another thing I love about Butcher Box is that this is AFFORDABLE Grass-Fed meat. Meaning…no corn-fed and antibiotic pumped animal protein being served around here. Each serving comes in at $6 and while that doesn’t come in as cheap, you are getting super high quality without all the junk (BTW…have you seen those crazy factory farms? YUCK!)

This is the company that delivers right to my door. Butcher Box Frozen pre-portioned Grass-Fed Meats…and some seafood, too! Did I tell you that if you sign up at the right time you even get FREE bacon? FREE BACON, imagine that!?!?!?!


When we EAT real food, TRY new things, LEARN the science, and have FUN doing it AMAZING things happen in The Kellie Kitchen.

It’s not magic, but it sure does feel like it.

Carrot Feta Soup

Carrot Feta Soup
Carrot Feta Soup

Who doesn’t have a bag of carrots in the back of their fridge? Carrots are liked by all, stay fresh in the fridge for weeks. Feta cheese is an easy and inexpensive cheese that I buy in the jumbo container from Costco.

Peanut Butter Cookies

Best PB Cookies EVAH!!!
The Best Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies! Hands Down!!!!

Ever wonder what kinds of sweets you can eat on a Keto Diet? Click through to see and print out all the delicious KETO REAL FOOD LIST you can have when eating this way! And try these cookies…I promise you won’t be disappointed.

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